A little about me.


I enjoy being outdoors, I love camping, dirt bike riding, rally car driving, going to the gym, hanging out with friends, and going to the beach. I love being in the sun as it brightens my day and mood.

How I got into modeling

When I was in highschool I studied photography yet always ended up being the model for my friends in the class, I always loved being in front of the camera. When I was a little younger I struggled with an eating disorder and modeling helped me overcome this by allowing me to learn to love myself and my body, and teaching me how to be healthy both physically and mentally. I enjoy all types of photoshoots from bikini to grunge and all between. Beauty gaze promotions really opened up so many doors for me in the model world and since being apart of it I have walked fashion runways, participated in multiple photoshoots and also competitions. 

About me

I'm a disability carer and nanny full time and enjoy being around people. I have worked many jobs in the past yet always found these so rewarding. I'm a very spontaneous, bubbly and outgoing person, I enjoy the company of people and animals and love trying new things aswell as meeting new people. 

Role models

My role model in the model industry would have to be Tyra banks as I have always found her to be so genuine. She isn't a stick figure and has her curves and reminds women to embrace them. Being a curvy girl myself I always found her advice so helpful and her confidence so beautiful! She has a fun personality and it just shows that you don't have to be like everyone else to fit in.

My real life role model is my mother, Deirdre. She is someone I have always looked up to. She has always loved and supported me unconditionally through the good and bad times in my life. She is a friend to all and will do anything and everything for anyone. She is such a kind, genuine and beautiful person both inside and out. If i can be the slightest bit like my mum I will be happy.